Berikut Nama 100 Wanita yang paling inspiratif dan paling layak untuk menjadi inspirasi bagi wanita-wanita lain di dunia
Aung San Suu Kyi
The Burmese pro-democracy leader who has inspired the world with her non-violent resistance to a brutal dictatorship
Michelle Bachelet
Former president and defence minister of Chile who is now head of UN Women
Gro Harlem Brundtland
A woman with a remarkable CV: former doctor, prime minister of Norway and director of the World Health Organisation
Hillary Clinton
The US Secretary of State has outlasted her critics to become more popular than ever
Harriet Harman
The woman who is deputy leader of the Labour party, shadow deputy prime minister and the first female solicitor general
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
President of Liberia, responsible for significant debt relief and instigating the investigation of civil war crimes
Christine Lagarde
French finance minister – the first woman appointed to that role in a G8 country
Angela Merkel
The Chancellor of Germany who is arguably the most influential female politician in the world
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The former finance director of Nigeria who is now a managing director of the World Bank
Dilma Rousseff
The teenage socialist guerilla withstood imprisonment and torture and went on to become the first female president of Brazil
Margaret Thatcher
Like her or loathe her, Britain's first female prime minister made her way in a man's world and changed the way we think of women politicians
Franny Armstrong
Filmmaker behind The Age of Stupid, environmental activist and founder of the 10:10 campaign
Helen Bamber
Founder of Amnesty International and campaigner for human rights
Camila Batmanghelidjh
The founder of Kid's Company, which offers practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner-city children
Shami Chakrabarti
Director of Liberty, barrister and former lawyer for the Home Office
Margaret Chan
Director of the World Health Organisation, battling international viruses, and championing improvements in all of our most pressing diseases
Sampat Pal Devi
Leader of the Gulabi Gang in northern India, an all-women vigilante forceShirin Ebadi
Iran's first female judge, founder of the Human Rights Defenders Centre and the first Muslim woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Aparajita Gogoi
Coordinator of the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood in IndiaLubna Hussein
Sudanese writer and women's rights campaigner, who asked to go to trial after being arrested for wearing trousers
Malalai Joya
Afghan politician and human rights campaigner who has shown phenomenal courage
Wangari Maathai
The Kenyan environmental and political activist who won a Nobel Peace prize for her work with the Green Belt Movement
Graca Machel
Former Mozambican education minister and advocate for the rights of southern African women and children
Somaly Mam
Cambodian anti-sex trafficking campaigner and founder of AFESIP, rescuing women from brothels and supporting their recoveryFatema Mernissi
Professor of sociology at Mohammed V University in Rabat
Pragna Patel
Founding member of Southall Black Sisters, a landmark organisation in the history of black and Asian feminism
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