Hal Hal Tercantik di Dunia

Written By Jandika on Saturday, February 12, 2011 | 9:00:00 PM

1. Mata tercantik di dunia, dari Afghanistanthe most beautiful in the world 8

2. Kuda tercantik di dunia, Arabianthe most beautiful in the world 5

3. Kota tercantik di dunia, Vancouver, Canadathe most beautiful in the world 4

4. Air terjun tercantik di dunia, air terjun Niagra , U.S. & Canadathe most beautiful in the world 2

5. Jembatan tercantik di dunia, Japanthe most beautiful in the world 1

6. Rumah tercantik di dunia, Situated in Barcelona , Spain Pemiliknya pemain sepak bola terkenal, Ronaldhino. 
the most beautiful in the world 3

7. Tanaman tercantik di dunia, berbentuk seperti gelembung airthe most beautiful in the world 7

Sumber : http://muka-aneh.blogspot.com


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