12 Instructions of Presiden SBY on Gayus Case

Written By Jandika on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | 9:54:00 PM

These are 12 points of instruction of President SBY in response to criticism from Indonesian inter-religious leaders who accused him of committing 18 public lies.

1. To the Indonesian National Police, Attorney General, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, I have instructed to accelerate and complete the Civil law case of Gayus Tambunan.

2. Increase synergy between law enforcement involving PPATK and Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum. KPK to be more involved and can be encouraged to do the investigation where a case is not addressed by Indonesian National Police.

3. We will audit and asses the performance and financial of law enforcement agencies who were involved in the case of Gaius Tambunan. In this case the police, judiciary and the Directorate General of Taxation. I hope the same is made to law enforcement agencies that are not under the leadership and control of the President.

4. Law enforcement should be run fairly and indiscriminately. 149 Companies mentioned could have something to do with tax issues. When the results of the investigation finds out that there is sufficient evidence of their involvement they would needs to be investigated.

5. In order to improve effectiveness in law enforcement, I think the method of proof can be reversed according to the provisions of applicable laws.

6. I has instructed to secure and return the money and assets of the state including the seizure of cash suspected cases of corruption of Gayus Tambunan.

7. I give the order to give administrative action in addition to legal sanctions for those found guilty on all officials who obviously do deviations, violations and crimes, including mutation and removal, as I hope for the agencies that have not done so, can be made one week ahead.

8. Organization or institution where some of their officials have made mistakes and deviations there is a need to be rearranged and reformed so that the elements that can do the same in the future can be cleaned up. I give one month from now to do it.

9. We will conduct a serious review and improvement of work systems and all rules that have gaps or holes of law to prevent similar violations and crimes in the future.

10. I want to get regular reports of progress of the completion of this Gayus Tambunan legal cases including the implementation of Presidential Instruction in writing, every two weeks.

11. I also instruct to explain or announce to the public about the progress of the handling of Gayus Tambunan case periodically to the public and will be done by the law enforcement elements and the government.

12. In regard to Gayus Tambunan case, I assign you the vice president to lead the activities of supervision, monitoring and assessment of this Presidential Instruction with the assistance of Satgas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum.


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