Speech of President Hosni Mubarak

Written By Jandika on Friday, February 11, 2011 | 11:30:00 PM

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to disappoint people. In a speech that awaited millions of eyes, Mubarak who has ruled 30 years reaffirmed refused to resign.

Mubarak demanded backward through the demonstrations over the past 17 years vowed to come down in time. "I would not run again in elections next September," he said in a speech broadcast live on Egyptian state television on Friday (11 / 2) early morning.

Mubarak refused to resign because he felt responsible for this crisis. As president he also has an obligation to bring a peaceful transition of government. "I promise before God and country, I'll keep it up to bring Egypt and its citizens to a safe place," said the man was 82 years.

President Mubarak also promised to meet the demands of the protesters and young people to bring the Egyptian economy better. And he asserted would never run away from the demands and expectations of the people of Egypt.

According to Mubarak he has prepared a peaceful transition process and planned. He also has transferred its power to Vice President Omar Suleiman, including proposals for constitutional amendment.

There are at least six articles of the constitution to be amended. This amendment is to facilitate the requirements of candidates in presidential elections and to determine the presidential term is limited so that no rotation of power through free elections and honest.

Mubarak insists he will never hear from anyone who pressures him to retreat. "Shameful act that I never do is listen to dictation from any foreign source or he argued," said Mubarak.


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